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Votivo品牌理念Votivo Conception
Expressing a vow, wish, or desire.
Votivo的制造者们将品牌命名为Votivo,意为“to express a desire, vow, or wish”.Votivo始终秉承这一理念,自Votivo诞生开始,其产品就专注于细节的品质,确保每一款产品都拥有自己的个性特点,这一点从Votivo早期香蜡产品独具特色的手工包装袋和封签就能体现出来.也正是因为这种细致的生产过程,现下Votivo所出售的每一个品类的每一款产品都是以完美无缺为目标的.
The makers of Votivo candles named their candles Votivo (voh-tee-voh), a word which means “to express a desire, vow, or wish.”Since their inception, Votivo Candles have been made with a great attention to detail. Each Votivo candle, for example, is hand-wrapped and the seal on each candle is hand-pressed, ensuring that each Votivo candle receives personalized attention from a person. For the makers of Votivo candles, this careful process ensured that each candle received attention and was special. As well, the process ensured that no flawed candle was placed for sale.

品牌风格&诉求 Votivo Style & Apeale
1994年,Votivo的创始者以“to express a desire, vow, or wish”为理念赋予了这个品牌悠长的生命.Votivo从来都不仅仅是在做产品,而是在透过产品向人们传递一种品质、品位的生活情调,让人们随时拥有时尚享受的生活.
